.::> MIR OS Release - by starch

MIR-OS is a 32bit multitasking OS from India!. It is an ongoing project and is continously in development by me. It is mainly intended as a self-learning project, and is not expected to replace GNU/Linux on my laptop in the near future :).
30-7-03 - Wrote a function to display 256 color bitmaps. Also has to rewrite the scroll() function to scroll vesa memory.
29-7-03 - Well on 2/6/03 i really didnt restart MIR. After getting over cycles of depression and some knowlegde about kernel memory on linux, im back developing MIR. Version 0.0.2 is out !. Im now using VBE 2 for my graphics needs.The screen resolution is 1024x768x256. Wrote some basic vid mem manuplation for geometric figure drawings and character plotting from 3rd party fonts. Cant get ROM BIOS fonts in bochs.
2-6-03 - Restarted MIR-OS project and website (now with M$ Frontpage)
12-5-03 - Begin to make a project homepage with Netscape Composer.
11-5-03 - Started another small project called Imagenux, a distribution of GNU/Linux which can boot off an ext2/ext3 disk image from hdd or cdrom. So need of partitioning or require a hdd.
9-5-03 - Registered a new project at sourceforge (mir-os.sourceforge.net)
2-5-03 to 30-5-03 - There wont be much development of MIR-OS, due to crappy entrance exams
2-5-03 - Finally, got software multi-tasking to work nicely (round robin scheduling)!!. Now need to implement paging.
30-4-03 - Tried to implement multi-tasking using Intel's +386 TSS hardware support , but triple faulted miserably
26/4/03 to 29/4/03 - Minor improvements to the code.
25-04-03 - Rewrote GDT code in the kernel.
24-04-03 - Worked on PIT code for use in future scheduler.
23-04-03 - Ported Linus's linux-0.0.1 vsprintf into MIR-OS.
22- 04-03 - Simple 'shell' implemented. Has a list of built in commands.
20-04-03 - Wrote a simple keyboard driver. And other string and output functions. (getch()..etc).
19-04-03 - Got IDT to work in C code (now i can use keyboard, timer!).
18-04-03 - Programmed the PIC and updated the display driver with scrolling and cursor movement.
17-04-03 - Got protected mode working. Now MIR-OS display's 'HELLO WORLD' in 32bit C!.
16-04-03 - Decide to write protected mode switching bootloader, so that kernel can be in 32 bit C. Triple faulted.
15-04-03 - MIR-OS project started!, got simple bootloader to work, which loads another flat binary off floppy.
Big Screenshot of MIR OS on Bochs : Click here
Binary Floppy Images
Here you will find the latest binary floppy images of MIR-OS. It has been tested on both Bochs and VMware. Ofcourse it also does work on a real system when the image is written to a floppy using Rawrite.
Download : MIR-OS V. 1 alpha
Source Code
Download the source-code of the latest public release here. All source can be compiled using GNU GCC and NASM. It can also be compiled under the Cygwin environment. All material is under GNU Public License.
Download: Not yet public
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