.::> LuCipher - by klemster

LuCipher is a windows encryption tool, that uses it's own algorithm to encrypt, decrypt, scramble and compress data. firstSEA is an algorithm that uses a password and random key (64 bit - 2048 bit) to encrypt data.
Scrambling and Compressing data is pretty slow and is not recommended for data more than 2-3 kb. So, please cope with me until I find a better alternative or port dll's to vc++.
>> firstSEA 64-2048 bit Encryption
>> Can be compressed after encryption
>> Password is case-sensitive
>> Data can be scrambled in 3 different simple ways
>> 128 bit encryption is recommended for normal use
>> Random temporary key used
>> Compression is just using ascii characters
>> Because of temporary key, encrypted data is different everytime
Plain text: Hello World
Password: hello
Encrypted with LuCipher (firstSEA 64 bit): 34943434357435903648349434323590350234483590357236423506343835881659451616232
Encrypted with LuCipher (firstSEA 64 bit + Compression): #"2#J#Z$."`"P"b",#J#P$0#�$#P�\$=9>b�&W=:#М]X=BE�R0Q> )?e8KW=CKU
Big Screenshot of LuCipher: Click here
Download LuCipher v1.04: lucipher_v1.04.zip
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